速報APP / 教育 / OculAR SIM



檔案大小:146.1 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 11.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


OculAR SIM(圖1)-速報App

Deakin University’s oculAR SIM offers a uniquely engaging way to learn the anatomy of the eye and the orbit using interactive 3D models in augmented reality. Learn the complex spatial relationships of the layers of the eye, the extraocular muscles, associated nerves, and blood vessels and how they all fit within the bony orbit – anywhere and at your own pace. oculAR SIM immerses you in the ocular anatomy in a way that a textbook cannot, enabling you to manipulate the model to get the best view for your understanding of how the various ocular components interact.


OculAR SIM(圖2)-速報App

• EXPLORE the bony orbit to learn the anatomical names of the many parts that make up the eye and surrounding tissue, and how they all fit together in space

• LEARN detailed concepts about the anatomical components, how they interact, and what their roles are

OculAR SIM(圖3)-速報App

• Interact with the model in 3D, rotating it to get the best view, and isolate individual structures to see how they fit in the orbit

• Observe eye movements and see which extraocular muscles are active in different directions of gaze

OculAR SIM(圖4)-速報App

• ASSESS your understanding of ocular anatomy through the built-in, interactive assessment module that provides immediate formative feedback and emails you a copy of the results so you can track your progress

If you are studying optometry, medicine, orthoptics, or other allied health subjects then this is the tool for you to develop a deeper understanding of ocular anatomy

OculAR SIM(圖5)-速報App

If you are a teacher you can use oculAR SIM to help your students visualise the complex spatial organisation and localisation of the orbital contents as an adjunct to traditional teaching resources

Certain functions, such as the Learn and Assess modules, are currently only available to Deakin University students. For further information contact the Deakin University School of Medicine at: ocularsim@deakin.edu.au

OculAR SIM(圖6)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad